Go To The Temple

Gain Big Vision and Live Your Life In Synchronicity

Imagine once a year, at the Winter Solstice, you make your annual journey to “The Temple” for 13 nights. What if one could stop daily mundane activities for 13 nights and days? What an opportunity! This “Temple is a place that sits in the twilight, a place away from the normal living and between worlds, not necessarily a physical place.

Our very own Star House outside of Boulder is a perfect model for The Temple. To visit the Star House, one must leave Boulder and drive up magnificent Mapleton Road to the Temple, leaving behind the world. Every part of the Star House has been made with reverence and intention. Inside, it has 12 beautiful tree trunks positioned to create and hold a circle for the Great Zodiacal Beings. Each of the trunks is a pillar to hold up the roof and is kept in its orientation of the land as it was placed to build the Temple. Each tree has a copper with a zodiacal sign on it. With intention, a Great Crystal has been buried in the earth under the center, and around the circumference large Stone Beings hold space for and witness growth and beauty that happen inside. Everything has been created with thoughtfulness, just as we can create during the Holy Nights.

After making the journey up the mountain, one enters the vestibule, shoes and coats are left as a final gesture to leave the ordinary world behind. It is time to live into the Inner World, a time to give attention to what goes on inside and behind closed doors. Imagine while at the Temple; one’s senses become more open and alert. Notice the subtle differences in the shades of red in the bricks. Somehow one has slowed down thoughts and has breathed to a pace that can be watched, and those thoughts don’t run away as usual. Let in the sounds and smells: the birds outside are almost loud. One might hear the drop of a pin as if it is a kitchen knife dropping on tile.

Now our imagining goes beyond the physical Star House and into mythology. Imagine The Star House Temple is a foyer, and 12 doorways with adjoining rooms surround it. After going up the mountain and entering the Star House, you will spend your first day in the main 12 sided room before venturing through a different doorway each night—not day—during the remaining 12 Holy Nights.

In each room lives a Great Being: a Constellation represented in our culture as a Zodiacal Being who has turned their attention toward the earth and humanity. After arriving and setting your intention, the first night, you will enter the room of the Being of Capricorn. It will hold you in its vibration and influence your brainwaves as you rest. Every night you will go into a different adjoining room to soak up impressions from each of the Great Beings we call The Zodiac, or The Constellations.

What if one could go to the Temple for 13 nights every year?

During the day when awake, please step back into the main room, but stay in the Temple. The waking brain may decipher what was given during the Holy Night through art process. You won’t go back down the hill to the world during this time of the Holy Nights, only into the “foyer” to record impressions given during the night. There we catch what we can and record impressions. Then we will work with them during the year.

Illustration: The vertical connection is between your Higher self, Human Self, and Gaia-Earth.

The horizontal connection is with your community, including the human, mineral, plant, and animal worlds.

Integration is in the Rose Heart. The Rose is a beautiful symbol for creativity, the whirlpool of creation where energy of spirit and matter meet. The Rose is the symbol of initiation, enfoldment, transfiguration, resurrection, and harmony.

Record Impressions To Reflect Upon During The Year

Use an art process that is open-ended and not easy to control so the left-brain cannot dictate one’s movements. The impressions received during the Night are held in the body and muscle memory. Through natural attraction to color and shape, with a little glue one may record a bit of the impressions received during the night in each room. Some of you may use words—poetry, story, or verse—and will learn to let them flow. This is indeed a time to Let it Happen. Remember later, during the ensuing year, you can manipulate your art and words with your left intelligence brain. Just for now, let it flow. Do art like a kindergartener. Catch what you can: this is only the first layer, and it is perfect as it is.

The 13 Holy Nights takes place during a 13th moon cycle, in late December, and is a space in time that becomes your Temple if you choose to step into it.

The ancient Rosicrucians, knew of the opportunity between December 24 and January 6 each year when time slows down and a gateway opens. Indeed there is a 13th moon cycle during this time. Humanity can enter another dimension, be inspired, seed, and divine the coming year. During these 13 Holy Nights, a portal opens from the Cosmos to Humanity. Many gifts are given when we slow down the pace of outer activity, listen IN, and dream. But we must record those gifts to be able to access the contact we have had each month for the ensuing year.

During the Nights the brain waves are altered from day consciousness, and one may receive insights and inspirations into the coming year from The Constellations if you invite by giving attention. The days are then utilized to capture, through art, what was given. We must isolate the normal thoughts that tend to distract, separate, extract, and even judge; and instead, stay open, as if on a perch, gently aware and balanced. One can then glimpse what the Cosmos or the Soul might be offering, especially since this is a magical time to do so. Often what is given is sent in a slightly different language than is normally used during the day. Let the outer horizontal world be still to the point that one can perceive the Inner World, the vertical. The constellations of each of the coming months give a preview of the year to come in a mythological language.

What if we align ourselves to contact and receive impressions of the coming year?

These impressions that are recorded through art process can then be taken into the coming year and displayed for ourselves each month as a foundation, aligning us to the insights received during the 13 Holy Nights.

Now the outer journey begins. Remember and take the images you received, and go on down the mountain to once again meet your friends and family.
--- May you notice your synchronistic journey! ---

A mythical perspective: The story of Jesus has historical relevance, but what I’m referring to is beyond religion or culture. In that myth for humanity, on December 25 Jesus was a human born to humble parents in a stall for animals, just as each of us are born—simple beings in our animal nature. Then12 nights later at Epiphany (January 6), the Three Kings arrived to support the Holy Family and recognized the child as a future King. This story reflects the journey every human takes during the Holy Nights and from lifetime to lifetime to become royalty and embody their Highest Self on earth. As we incarnate through the Zodiac, each lifetime is a step in our development as we learn to embody our Highest imaginable Self into flesh.

The 13 Holy Nights, with influences of each of the zodiacal signs, serve as “CliffsNotes,” giving us two years to most people’s one year.

By aligning with each month through the Constellations of the year to come, by slowing down, by opening to the dream world as well as the senses during the days, we not only encounter prophecies, but also participate in creating our year’s journey, Then, as we interact with the impressions during the year that was captured during the associated Holy Night we deepen our understanding, and much can be restored and instilled in our lives.

Do What You Love During The Holy Nights To Bring More Of What You Love Into Your Life

Let your muscles know what you want more of by actually doing what you love.

An artistic study of the 13 Holy Nights as a Path.