A Path Through Life

In the 1980s I came across a book by a student of Max Heindel. Heindel was a Danish Christian occultist, astrologer, Rosicrucian, and mystic born 1865 and died 1919. The Rosicrucian’s were:

  • A secret society of men possessing superhuman if not supernatural powers. They were said to be able to prophesy future events, to penetrate into the deepest mysteries of Nature, to transform Iron, Copper, Lead or Mercury into Gold. To prepare an Elixir of Life, or Universal Panacea, by the use of which they could preserve and know the secret of the Philosophers Stone, a substance which rendered him who possessed it al-powerful, immortal and supremely wise.” (The Secrets of All Ages by Manly P. Hall)

In that book, it was mentioned that the 12 Holy Nights (not days) from December 25 to January 6 are correlated with the months of the year to come. In typical fashion, I just started right in, making magazine collages every day during the Holy Nights. I would then make a full calendar for the ensuing year, and use it throughout the year. I began to experience small but significant insights and correlations from the art as I lived through each month. Now 30 years have passed, I learned other art process through the Rite of Passage work that I offered through 15 enactments for teens and their families.  

A few years ago, I began manipulating the art during the associated month that was first made during the Holy Nights and that’s when the real magic unfolded. Now, 30 years of practice, I am hoping to inspire you to begin your own journey to create your own Inner-Net by utilizing the opportunity of the Holy Nights.

There are basically 3 parts to this work, all for the purpose of accessing the Inner Life, through art process and developing your own personal myths. As well one can effect the ensuing year by “seeding” it through the Holy Nights. Just imagine that you can bring into your life more of what you want by doing what you love during the Holy Nights! Much is explained in the Holy Nights Journal, and then as you practice year by year you will develop your own way.

By first capturing images during the Holy Nights (nights not days) and working with them through the year, connection and guidance is developed and established with one’s Inner-Self. A full-body experience of synchronicity can be experienced when working with the art, akin to a mystical experience. Thus year by year one’s own “mythology” or vocabulary of symbolism is built. One can learn to use their intuition, build and trust in it, and so much more. I am including two examples of how this work unfolded in my life and I experienced synchronicity. I have many examples every year, thus the practice has formed and guided my life journey.